SSR Roofing Atlanta

Common Types of Roof Damage After A Storm: Wind Vs. Hail

The aftermath of a hailstorm can leave your roof damaged and exposed to further destruction. As a result, a roof replacement or roof repair could be on the cards. Thus a Georgia roofing company could be your port of call in such a case.

storm damage repair services

At SSR Roofing, we help homeowners replace their roofs following hail or wind damage. We also understand the pain of filing a claim with your insurance company. As such, our team can help streamline the process by offering documentation and estimates as evidence of the need for a roof replacement.

Today’s post addresses the common types of roof damage following a storm: wind and hail. So, stick around to learn a thing or two about identifying storm-caused roof damage and what you should do afterward.

Hail Damage

Waiting for rain can be quite the experience. You check the weather report every day, and there’s a 100% chance of precipitation, but it never seems to materialize. Then the wait begins until finally you give up and go outside in time to see the dark clouds rolling in.

However, Mother Nature has other ideas, and soon enough, you can hear the sound of hail smashing against your roof. What you hoped would be a pleasant rain shower turns out to be a destructive hail storm. For starters, you can identify hail damage on your roof by looking for signs such as:

  • Dimpling
  • Pockmarking
  • Granular loss
  • Black marks on your roof

When hail hits the shingles on your roof, it causes them to become brittle and crack under force. Hail may also dislodge the granules that make up your shingle’s protective layer, leaving behind an uneven texture.

That said, the damage varies depending on the roofing material used. For instance, asphalt shingles are more prone to hail damage than metal roofing. Also, the larger the diameter of the hailstones, the more severe the damage can be.

Your gutters could also provide telltale signs of hail damage. If you notice a significant number of granules deposited in the gutters, your roof has likely borne the brunt of hail damage.

Basically, hail causes tiny leaks as the roof’s surface deteriorates. Thus, if you observe damp spots in your attic or watermarks on your ceiling, chances are the hailstorm has taken its toll.

So, what should you do following hail damage? How about calling SSR Roofing or your go-to professional for a thorough inspection and reliable repairs? We’ll gladly help you assess your situation and provide the ideal solution to restore your roof. This may entail a roof replacement or a simple repair job.

Also, take pictures or videos of the damage, as they can bolster your insurance claim. The more evidence you have, the better your chance of making a successful claim. Before and after images of the damage would be ideal as they demonstrate the extent of the damage caused by hail.

Wind Damage

We often underestimate the wind’s power until we have a first-hand account of its destruction. Depending on its force and speed, wind can also cause significant damage to your roof. For instance, gusts of winds 35 mph and more can cause shingle damage. And as the speed increases, the damage can be more severe. A 75+ mph windstorm for instance can uproot trees, lift entire roof sections, and flip a mobile home.

And as the wind blows, it typically picks up debris and hurls it every which way, meaning there’s no telling what damage it can cause. That said, signs of wind damage may include:

  • Missing or cracked shingles as wind-driven debris batters them.
  • Lifted flashing – strong winds can loosen and lift your roof’s flashing.
  • Debris and dirt accumulation.
  • Indoor leaks resulting from sealant separation.
  • Chimney issues due to loose mortar between the bricks.

Wind typically causes a light ‘graze’ on the surface as opposed to hail which can cause deep indentations or punctures. In addition, missing shingles are more obvious signs of wind damage than hail. Also, hail inflicts more localized damage than wind since it usually affects one area of your roof.

If you discover any roof damage after a storm, it’s advisable to call in a professional to evaluate your situation – if the weather permits. The longer you wait, the worse the damage can get. On the other hand, a prompt inspection and repair can help restore the roof’s integrity and save you a world of trouble in the long run.

Tips to Deal with Storm Damage

Once the storm passes, you need to take the necessary steps to inspect and repair the damage. To this end, the following tips can help you deal with the situation:

  • Clear the debris: Remove fallen branches and other objects that have made their way onto your roof to prevent further damage.
  • Take photos of the damage – Document the occurrence (as aforementioned).
  • Check the attic: Inspect your home’s interior for signs of water leaks or other damage. For instance, look out for wall discoloration.
  • Inspect your roof – Whenever possible, try to assess the extent of the damage. Or better yet, call in a professional for a thorough evaluation. They can use drones or other state-of-the-art technology to identify the problem areas, reducing the risk of injury should you climb onto the roof.
  • Secure your home: Cover exposed spots on your roof with a tarp to prevent further water from entering the house.
  • Call your insurer – Check if storm damage is covered by your insurance policy and file a claim if eligible.

Rope in a Reliable Professional for Repairs

If your claim goes through, your insurer may recommend a reliable roofing contractor to inspect and repair the damage. Alternatively, you can search for a reliable roofer in your area. Either way, ensure you ask as many questions as possible about the work needed and the contractor’s experience. Doing so increases your chances of achieving the desired outcome in one attempt.

Lastly, it’s wise to practice caution and forethought as it can save you from potentially devastating consequences. Hence, whether you’ve noticed signs of hail or wind damage on your roof, be proactive and call in the professionals. Doing so can get your roof back in shape and protect your home. In this regard, consider exploring our site at SSR Roofing to learn how we can help you get insurance approval or restore your roof.

Name, Address and Phone
SSR Roofing,
44 Milton Ave Alpharetta Georgia 30009,

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